A week ago, my subconcious decision manifested itself, and here I find myself typing away on a shiny new aluminum piece of art n_n.
But naturally! I'm a game developer that uses XNA... What use would I have for a Mac? I did a little research beforehand, and discovered that it wasn't that hard to put Windows 7 on the machine (which I love dearly) and get it working properly. Without that, I daresay I'd never have made the purchase.
I never imagined Apple would play so well with Windows o.o
All I did to get the Windows OS installed on the computer was pop in the install disk, and open up Boot Camp. I chose the partition size, and then a regular old windows installation setup ensued. After 7 had been installed, I popped in my Apple restore disk, or whatever one it was, and installed boot camp. All the hardware worked! Except the video card, which I just went to Nvidia's site and downloaded their drivers... which then worked perfectly.
My macbook at the Windows 7 login screen... I love the glow-ey keyboard n_n
I have the model with two graphics cards in it, and this is truly epic. The idea is that you use the integrated graphics card part when you want to conserve battery life (6 hours!) and switch to the discreet card when you need the graphics. Unfortunately, Windows will only recognize one graphics card (the discreet one), and will not let you switch between the two at all. This leads to a fair bit shorter battery life while running windows (only around 3). While I find this mildly disapointing, it's quite bearable, as I can't imagine doing my powerhouse gaming on OS X, and I have no issue with doing creative art and or document work away from Windows. Not to mention Mac has Office 2008 ;)
Oh, and did I mention this thing doesn't have any fans or airflow stuff on the botttom of it...? It intakes through the keyboard, and sends the hot air into a neghboring parallel universe o.o